
fredag den 22. januar 2016

Map of Danish Artisan Cheese Shops

Danish cheese shops have long been in crisis. And the reasons are many: Rising prices of leases and real estate in major cities. Supermarkets on the rise. Marginal profit. Inadequate marketing and distribution, including the use of Internet. Barriers to transfer of businesses. 

 Danish artisan cheese shops
Map of Danish cheese shops (click)

But the main reason was probably that the Danish consumer would not pay the price for good cheese, but rather make do with an industrial plastic product at half the price from the local supermarket. 

An article in Politiken 2006 "Cheese Traders closing down", gives a very good impression of the trend in recent years. 

More recently, the trend was reverted. Consumers have discovered that Danish cheese can (also) be a quality product, and they are increasingly willing to pay the necessary price. 

There are many to share the credit for this development:
  • Danish chefs and restaurants, in particular Noma, with increased focus on locally produced quality products.
  • Danish independent dairies stubbornly developed new products and improved the old ones.
  • Arla has thrown itself into a growing market with the initiative "Arla Unika", similar to the initiative that Carlsberg for well over a decade ago launched with Semper Ardens, a countermove to all the flourishing microbreweries.

We can only hope that this trend continues and that consumers will support the good Danish cheese, purchased from a specialist.

On the map (click on the map) you will find Danish cheese shops. Visit them! Taste the cheese! 

You can zoom in (possibly select "Satellite view" to see the store in close) and select the individual store to view contact information and possible information on products, visit their websites etc.

The symbols mean the following:

Member of Cheese Traders Association

Not a member of Cheese Traders Association

On the web page of the Danish Cheese Traders Association you will find more info.

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